Addressing Challenges in Electronics: Short Lifespans, Stylistic Obsolescence, and E-Waste

Addressing Challenges in Electronics: Short Lifespans, Stylistic Obsolescence, and E-Waste

Addressing Challenges in Electronics: Short Lifespans, Stylistic Obsolescence, and E-Waste

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Electronics are becoming increasingly integrated into mission-critical applications from airplanes to medical devices and the grid for energy, firms must meet new challenges. A failure in these systems could be catastrophic.

The most difficult environments are those with high humidity, electric fields that can result in damage, and extreme temperatures. Specific environmental conditions affect the design of the product and must be taken into consideration when designing the product.


Despite their capacity to enhance human life and boost productivity, electronics have short lives and a tendency to become outdated, that result in huge quantities of products that are discarded, known as electronic trash (e-waste). Electronic trash (e-waste) contains hazardous materials which include precious metals, such as palladium, gold and cadmium.

Recycling the worth of industrial electronic equipment is a significant step to decrease e-waste, and create sustainable resource management. Refurbishing and retrofitting are methods which upgrade old products using the latest technologies. Remanufacturing, however, requires an extensive process comprising disassembling the unit clean it up, reinstalling parts, and then put the entire thing back together.

To promote remanufacturing as an alternative to disposal and recycling, we conducted an online survey with GCC-based industrial electronics repair specialists and identified the most common reasons that lead to PCB malfunction and other defects. The results of this survey will assist technicians create better repair strategies, and recycle EEE for a sustainable future.

Innovative Solutions

In the cases of industrial electronics, public transport, and mining equipment, “If it is not broken, do not fix it”, does it hold the same? A single defective printed circuit board could cause a whole device to failure, which can result in significant costs.

Right to Repair is becoming an international movement with the aim to increase the lifespan of electronics as well as to create a an environmentally sustainable business model. Several factors, including design of the product, intellectual legislation, consumer laws tax laws, and more, hinder this movement.

Technicians are required to have the ability to think outside the box. Technicians are frequently asked during the interview process to share a story about a time where they had to think outside the box to complete an intricate repair. Employers can evaluate the skills of technicians in the ability to solve problems and to deal with challenges that pop up quickly. Being able to find quick solutions shows a technician’s imagination and commitment to quality.

Repairing Electronics at Extreme Temperatures and humidity

Manufacturers must test electronics rigorously to ensure they be reliable throughout their intended lifetime. The tests typically include exposure to extreme humidity, temperatures as well as vibrations.

Too high temperatures can harm electronic components. This is especially true for circuit boards because solder that is that connects components can melt. If this occurs it could cause short circuits, or even system failure.

The humidity can cause issues when it comes to electrical components. This can lead to damage, electrical leakage and material deterioration. It can occur because moisture gets into the packing material and printed circuit boards.

It can result in a delay in signal transmission because electrons are forced to travel across circuits at an accelerated rate. This lag could be severe enough sua chua servo fanuc that a whole circuit could fail. Equipment used in industrial production can sustain serious damage from this.


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